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Our Philosophy

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Crazy Maze Out of School Hours Care: 

Believes that each child has the right to be an active member of the community in which they live, to express their opinions and have their views considered in any decision that may affect them.


• Believes that the best interests of the children and their right to play, learn and develop in a safe and nurturing environment is the primary consideration in all the decision making at the service and is visible in the actions, interactions and daily work with the children. 

• Acknowledges that parents and families are the child’s primary nurturers and that respectful collaborative relationships strengthen the capacity and efforts of families and services to support their children and promote each child’s health and wellbeing. 

• Believes that the right to equitable access and participation in the community is clearly visible in all aspects of service delivery. 


• Believes that children have the right to have their individual and cultural identity recognised and respected and we value Australia’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures as a core part of the nation’s history, present and future. 

• Has a number of goals on which our service is based. These goals are based on the outcomes for children outlined in the National Quality Framework, Education and Care Services National Regulations and My Time Our Place. 


Our goals are to encourage children to: 

Have a strong sense of identity 

KCM aims to teach children to demonstrate a capacity of self-regulation, negotiating and sharing behaviours by motivating and encouraging children to succeed when faced with challenges. 

Be connected with and contribute to the world 

KCM aims to teach children to demonstrate awareness of connections, similarities and differences between people and how to react in positive ways by encouraging children to listen and to respect diverse cultures. 

Have a strong sense of wellbeing 

KCM aims to teach children to show self-regulation and manage emotions in ways that reflect the feeling and needs of others by showing care, understanding and respect for all children. 

Be confident and involved learners 

KCM aims to teach children to use reflective thinking to consider why things happen and what can be learnt from these experiences by encouraging children to communicate and make visible their ideas and theories, collaborate with children and model reasoning, predicting and reflecting process and language. 

Be effective communicators 

KCM aims to teach children to convey and construct messages with purpose and confidence, including conflict resolution and following directions by modelling language and encouraging children to express themselves through language in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes including leading and following directions

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© 2019 by MNCCC OOSHC LTD ACN 631 976 586   ACN

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Auspiced by Mid North Coast Community College Ltd

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